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Wednesday, June 14, 2006

63-Year-Old Qinway Qigong Student "Back in My Prime"

We have just received an exciting e-mail below from Qinway Qigong student J. G. in California, who reported "back in my prime" and many other benefits since attending Special Ability Rejuvenation Retreat.

Since completing my first retreat in October, 2005, I have continued my Bigu program with the support of Qinway Qigong and grandmaster Qinyin until now in May, 2006, and I plan to continue further. I did my second retreat in February, 2006, and I plan to attend the upcoming one in August in Honolulu.

Although I practiced and taught martial arts and qigong for several decades, this was a unique experience. This system is incredibly powerful with rapid yet amazingly deep results.

Besides losing over 60 pounds, I was able to stop taking a medication with potentially harmful side effects. Chronic ailments have disappeared and I feel like I am back in my prime in all respects. The positive effects are continuing and increasing. I'm experiencing strong qi while doing qigong - much stronger than in my previous qigong work and inpracticing and mastering martial arts.

Sometimes there are feelings of body parts "disappearing" during practice, and seemingly other dimensional scenes and colors appear. There have been various water images -one time a torrent of rushing water - which I regardas positive signs of ongoing cleansing, detoxification and a "cooling down" of my condition of "too much fire." There have been many deep spiritual experiences and realizations as well. I consider myself extremely fortunate to have connected with Qinway Qigong and grandmaster Qinyin. - J.G., Ojai, CA